Contact us

If you would like to provide further comment or would like to take part in further consultation and engagement regarding the Active Communities Framework please complete the enquiry form.

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    By filling in this form you consent to us contacting you by telephone or email with information about Active Communities in North Northamptonshire. We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to provide you with the products and services you have requested from us. However, from time to time we would like to contact you with details of other offers and services we provide. Please indicate below the method in which you would prefer to be contacted:
    Please selectEmailTelephoneEmail & TelephoneDo not contact me about any future offers

    Any personal information you provide will only be used to assist in responding to your enquiry. Your details will be kept securely and, excepting if required by law, will not be shared with any third parties other than Alliance Leisure who are our administrative partner on this site. The personal data you provide will only be held for the length of time necessary to process your enquiry. After this point it will be securely destroyed. Details of your rights under UK Data Protection Legislation, including details of the Council’s Data Protection Officer, your rights as a Data Subject, and your right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office are available here

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